Our Team of Monsters is a Diverse, Remote & Unified Monster Squad, comprised of an eclectic array of talent and experience working from their chosen locations worldwide while collaborating with other remote members. Each member is committed to empowering everyone with opportunities in music through accessible technology and world-class educational experiences.

To share the reflection of a culture in its Drumming;
equally empowering anyone with accessible world-class instruction, innovative digital tools, & opportunities in music;
demonstrating a superior system of lifelong learning to influence traditional educational institutions.
our core values
1. Always Be Awesome
We don't mess around when it comes to quality and excellence. Everything we do and create must meet this one simple criteria. This is our every day working standard.
2. Challenge Educational Norms
We are part of the current revolution in education, unguided by traditional methods or processes. Our approach is constantly evolving and suits all 21st Century learners.
3. Passion for People | Passion for Music
Music is a gift, not a privilege, to which we feel everyone deserves equal access & opportunity. We care deeply about those who allow us to serve them by sharing the world's best kept Drumming secrets knowing the positive impact it will have on their lives.
4. Diverse, Remote & Unified Monster Squad
We capture Monsters with D.R.U.M.S. Our Team of Monster is a Diverse, Remote & Unified Monster Squad, comprised of an eclectic array of talent and experience working on their own schedules from their own locations worldwide while collaborating with other remote members.
5. Speak with Radical Candor
From Kim Scott's excellent book, Radical Candor™ is to simultaneously challenge directly & care personally. We always say what we think while also giving a damn about the person we are speaking to.
6. Work/Life Fit
Quality work begins with finding the right fit for every team member. We empower our Monster Team with the opportunity to develop professional skills with the meaningful purpose of enriching the lives of our Monster Drummer community members. Each Team Member is given full ownership of their work schedule, guided by individual accountability to ensure the best fit.